How to Succeed in Your Career by Really Trying!

Define What is Success for YOU! Nancy Clark starts with a basic question, what is success? Success is how YOU define it! Is it having enough money? Is it time to spend with your family? Is your life balanced (spiritually, emotionally, economically)? Or is it following your passion? So, ask yourself, are you truly doing […]
Let’s Create a Healthy Sports Environment for
Young Athletes!

Hello, parents and coaches! As a sports nutritionist dealing with young athletes, I often notice some hidden challenges in junior sports in India. Let’s discover these and see how we can create a healthier environment for our young athletes. Emphasis on Early Sports Specialization: Early specialization can limit overall skill development and lead to burnout. […]
Fuel Up for Success: Unleashing the Power
of Sports Nutrition

When it comes to achieving peak performance in sports, there’s more to it than just training hard. The secret ingredient? Sports nutrition! What we eat not only fuels our bodies but also enhances our athletic abilities. Let’s dive into the world of sports nutrition and explore how it can make a real difference in your […]
Why Hire a Sports Nutritionist?

Imagine having a personal nutrition superhero by your side, guiding you through the world of food and fueling your athletic endeavors. Enter the sports nutritionist, armed with knowledge and expertise to cater to your body’s needs, whether you’re in the midst of training or taking a well-deserved rest. A sports nutritionist’s role is not just […]
The Winning Smile: Sports Dentistry in Sports Science

Sports dentistry is an emerging field that focuses on the prevention and management of orofacial injuries and oral diseases in athletes. With the increasing popularity of contact sports and the rise of athletes reaching international levels, the need for specialized dental care has become crucial. In this blog, we will explore the importance of sports […]